Thursday, August 30, 2007

Shutting Down The Tin-Foil Hat Brigade: Controlled Demolition Did NOT Bring Down the Towers

The section of Loose Change dealing with the collapse of the twin towers of the World Trade Center begins with this quote:

"There were explosions going off everywhere. I was convinced that there were bombs going off all over the place and someone was sitting at a control panel pushing detonator buttons." --Theresa Veliz, working on the 47th floor of the North tower when flight 11 hit.

The running theory, in regards to the towers, is that even though we know they were hit by planes (the video footage is a little hard to ignore, especially coming from so many non-governmental sources), they didn't collapse due to the damage. 9/11 Truthers claim it was controlled demolition that brought down the buildings, including WTC 7, which didn't collapse until around 5 p.m.
The very first claim is that they are "the first steel buildings in history to collapse due to fire." As proof, they point out that in 1945, a B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State building. Then, they point out that in 1975, a fire broke out in the North tower that ended up consuming six floors of the WTC. And they point out that in 1988, several floors of an LA skyscraper burned for three hours. All of these buildings are still standing, yet the twin towers and WTC 7 all "conveniently fell into little piles." Never, in any of this, has anyone claimed that it was merely the fires that caused the collapse of the twin towers.

Dylan Avery goes on to point out a few more, including the Windsor building in Madrid, which burned for nearly 24 hours. He tries to say that none of these buildings, all steel-framed, collapsed; unfortunately, he is wrong. The top 10 floors of the Windsor building DID collapse, largely onto itself. Then, after pointing to all of these other fires and baying that none of them completely collapsed, he proudly points out that the twin towers only burned for under 100 minutes--and demands to know how a fire could have made these buildings collapse.

*Sigh* Do I have to go there?

"And to think...the government would have us believe that these buildings were brought down by 10,000 pounds of jet fuel." --Dylan Avery, narrating Loose Change

No, Dylan, common sense does not refute the official story. He quotes Van Romero, the VP for research at the New Mexico Institue of Mining & Technology, who says that based on the tapes, he believed explosives caused the collapse. That's right...the tapes. That statement was not based on actually seeing the wreckage and locating evidence of explosives, it was based on seeing the collapse on TV. Two days later, the same man, likely after seeing more than just the TV footage, said, "certainly the fire is what caused the building to fail."

Avery's response? He asks what would make Romero change his mind so fast. Spoken like a true nitwit.

Then Avery quotes Himan Brown, a civil engineer and the WTC's construction manager. Himan was quoted as saying that the fire didn't melt the steel--it just weakened it, and that was enough to cause the collapse. Then he quotes Kevin Ryan, from Underwriters Laboratories, who contradicts Himan; he says that the steel has to be exposed to temperatures of 2000F for several hours in order to be weakened enough to collapse. He says that Brown's assertion that a short fire melted the steel "makes no sense." Unfortunately, Brown never said the fires melted the steel. He said the fires weakened it. This is just one fine example of Avery and co. taking several quotes completely out of context.

But, hey...anything to prove their point.

Avery shows several news clips of many, many people talking about hearing explosions. Nobody says anything about bombs--trained firefighters, who know the difference between a bomb blast and an explosion caused by a very large fire moving in a very large building, talk about explosions, not bombs. One eyewitness even talks about seeing brief light sources emitting from the towers and a crackling noise before the collapse.

This is the part where picking the brains of my firefighter buddies and borrowing their textbooks comes in real handy.

Fire is a funny thing. Especially when let loose in a large structure made of concrete and steel that's full of all manner of simple fuels (paper, dry fiber, et cetera), a fire can do a lot of strange things. There are a number of things that can sound like an explosion. The major ones are called flashovers and backdrafts. A flashover is what happens when a fire emits a high layer of smoke, causing pyrolysis--the heating of all flammable objects/surfaces in a room--causing them to give off flammable gases. The temperature then reaches a point where those gases ignite suddenly, igniting everything else in the room. When this happens, it sounds like an explosion. There are varying types of flashovers that all have this general effect.

A backdraft (for those who never saw the movie) is similar to a flashover; it's what happens when a compartment (room) is on fire and the fire depletes all of the oxygen feeding it. Any sudden exposure to oxygen--an open door, a broken window, a collapsing portion of a wall--creates a sudden and very violent ignition of all of the flammable gases in the compartment. In other words, an explosion.

I promise you that these things were happening in those towers. A fire large enough creates these events. As for the crackling? The towers were 110 stories high, with a lot of glass between the steel frames. Gee. I wonder what might've crackled while the structures were beginning to collapse.

I really love how Avery quotes people who have absolutely no knowledge of construction, engineering, and demolition about what happened. He taped the account of "Willie," a janitor at the WTC on 9/11 (yep, a janitor), who swears it was explosives because the fires came down through the elevator shafts. Avery plays the recordings of a group of financial analysts (people who spent all their time crunching numbers in college and had no time to study physics or chemistry) that recorded two explosions when the first plane hit. Avery is even ballsy enough to claim that the elevator shafts were sealed, thus couldn't have had enough oxygen to allow a raging fireball to travel down them. say it was impossible, but what expertise is that based on? Being sealed didn't keep oxygen out, and I promise you the sealing was compromised by a Boeing 757 hitting the building. (I'd like to know how he goes from accepting Willie's account of the fire exploding down the elevator shaft and burning several people to claiming that it couldn't have happened!)

Avery points out that the collapse was picked up as a "seismic event" by an observatory. I wonder...would the collapse of a 110-story steel-and-concrete building make the ground shake?

What about the "hot spots" of "molten steel" found in the basement under the rubble? It wasn't steel. The metal found was tested, and engineers and chemists discovered that it was a mix of different metals, including aluminum and lead, all of which were present in the structures and would have melted in the fires. And since they're claiming that the fires never got hot enough to melt steel (and a controlled demolition wouldn't have created a fire hot enough to melt steel), I'm struggling to understand if he even knows what his point was in bringing it up.

Unless he's just trying to stir up more doubt. I think at this point he's just chasing his tail. (If you know what the guy looks like, and you can get a good visual in your head, it's actually pretty damn funny.)

I'm curious: how many pounds of explosives would be required to bring down a 110-story skyscraper? I'm guessing it's a hell of a lot. How would they get thousands of pounds of explosives into the towers without anyone noticing? How would they wire the buildings for this sort of thing without one of the thirty-thousand-plus people who worked there noticing? evacuation for a bomb threat, maybe? Nope. That wouldn't have given even the most experienced military EOD teams enough time to even start rigging those massive buildings for demolition.

And I'm sorry, Dylan...the fact that bomb-sniffing dogs were "abruptly removed" from the buildings on 9/6/01 doesn't rouse suspicion for me. That tells me the dogs were needed elsewhere.

"I think what happened to the WTC is simple enough. It was brought down in a carefully-planned, controlled demolition. It was a psychological attack on the American people, and it was pulled off with military precision." --Dylan Avery, narrating Loose Change

Windows didn't blow out because of explosives; as the buildings collapsed, an accordion effect was created. Air trapped in the buildings was being compressed; it had to go somewhere, and the windows were eventually the weakest point. And no, the fires didn't get hot enough to melt the steel frame. Nobody has ever claimed such a thing.

The planes that hit the towers, just as the plane that hit the Pentagon, tore massive holes in the buildings. Several steel support beams were ripped from their moorings on impact. The crashes themselves, putting massive holes in the towers, significantly compromised the stability of the structures. Thousands of pounds of burning jet fuel created raging infernos that further weakened steel beams that had already been badly damaged by the crashes. On top of the crash sites, thousands of pounds of steel, glass, and office materials perched precariously--until the gaping holes in the buildings finally gave way. All of that weight was too much for the crippled buildings to handle.

They also did not "conveniently fall into neat little piles." The collapse of the twin towers destroyed most of the WTC complex, beginning with the Marriott WTC. WTC 7, set on fire by falling debris, a building that didn't have the kind of reinforced foundation that the towers had, collapsed later in the evening. Even St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church was damaged beyond repair and had to be demolished.

And Avery's claim that Rudy Giuliani refused to allow investigators into the site to inspect the tons upon tons of rubble? Horseshit. Massive teams of experts examined the rubble. The amount of paper generated by these experts on what they found (and didn't find) could keep my fireplace lit for years. A piss-ant like Giuliani could never have had enough clout to order investigators to stay away while the rubble was hauled off to recycling plants.

There were no blasting caps, no detonation cord, no residue from TNT or ammonium nitrate. Since Avery likes to present doubt based on nothing but a lack of evidence, I'd like him to chew on that one.

Hey...what about that B-25 bomber that hit the Empire State building? Why didn't that building collapse? I'll tell you. A B-25 Mitchell, the plane that hit the ESB, is thus: it has a wingspan of 67 feet, 6.7 inches, a length of 53 feet, 5.7 inches, stands about 16 feet high, weighs 33,000 lbs. loaded and carries only 975 lbs. of fuel. Its maximum speed is 245 mph.

A Boeing 757-200, on the other hand, is a much different aircraft. It has a wingspan of 124 feet, 10 inches, a length of 155 feet 3 inches, stands 44 feet, 6 inches high, weighs 255,000 lbs. when loaded with passengers, and carries 11,489 lbs. of fuel. Its maximum speed is 540 mph.

Oops! Bit of a difference! Start backpedaling now, buddy, 'cause you're gonna have a hard time 'splainin' that one!

I'd like to ask another very good question: since you say that the collapse of the towers and WTC 7 looks so much like controlled demolition, and that alone must prove that only controlled demolition could have done it...where, pray tell, have you stashed the footage of the last skyscraper knocked down by a commercial jetliner, the footage you're apparently comparing this to?

Thaaaaat's right. You have none. This is the first time it's ever happened. I'd be laughing right now at the stupidity of all of this if it weren't for the fact that I have a headache the size of Lower Manhattan.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shutting Down the Tin-Foil Hat Brigade: American Airlines Flight 77 DID Crash Into the Pentagon

What do you call THIS???

Some friends of mine a while ago suggested that I watch a video called Loose Change. I did, and every moment I wasted on it churned my stomach. I can see how it would seem plausible to the average American; it is presented in what appears to be a logical approach. The problem is you can do that with any argument. Any idea, no matter how farfetched, when given just the right twist, can be convincing. The next few blogs are going to be devoted to giving simple solutions to the "questions" raised by the 9/11 conspiracy theorists who have convinced themselves and thousands of others that there's no way it was a terrorist act.

If you know more about it and dig a little deeper, though, you find that nearly every shred of "evidence" presented by Dylan Avery and his tin-foil hat brigade has been twisted and contorted beyond recognition. For example, they start out by describing a flight maneuver that pilot Hani Hanjour couldn't possibly have executed: a sharp u-turn that, according to a retired Air Force pilot, would have stalled the engines. What they didn't mention was that the pilot they spoke to hadn't flown any of the more modern aircraft with the types of engines that were on the planes flown that day. That maneuver, done correctly, was perfectly possible. Nobody knows what speed the plane was really travelling at when the turn was made because by then, Hanjour had shut off the plane's transponder.

They then move on to point out a plane crash in Houston, in which a private jet clipped a light pole, tearing off the wing and causing a fatal crash. According to their logic, American Airlines flight 77 couldn't have crashed into the Pentagon; its wing clipped five light poles and maintained enough forward energy to crash into the Pentagon? That can't work, can it? Yes, it can. The Houston crash involved a much smaller, private jet--far smaller and less bulky than a Boeing 757. Uh-oh. There's a hole in the theory.

Then they move on to the complete and utter destruction of the plane in the crash. According to Avery, the nine-foot-wide engines should have been found "relatively intact" inside the building, and pieces of the plane should have been seen all over the place, because the titanium skin couldn't possibly have been incinerated in a fire that, according to theory, never could have reached more than 1400 degrees (titanium melts at 1668 degrees). Maybe so...but a terrorist hijacked a commercial jetliner, flew along the ground, and reached the plane's top speed of 540 m.p.h. before crashing nose-first into a building made of reinforced concrete. The fire didn't have to destroy it; the energy of the crash itself tore the plane to bits. And, despite Avery's assertion that a perfect hole wouldn't have been made by a plane with such a massive wingspan, another simple fact shoots his theory (again) to hell: the wings came off. Duh. The engines would NOT have been found intact. The engine that was found was the auxilliary from the tail section, and its position was the only thing that left it barely recognizable.

What about the perfect hole in the C ring of the Pentagon? Well, we've already established that the plane was torn to pieces by the impact of the crash. But do you really think that the destruction ends when the cause of the destruction stops moving? Especially when said cause is loaded with jet fuel? Now think about this for a moment...the plane may have stopped because the rebar and concrete ate it whole, but do you think the fuel was going to stop? Simple physics should tell you that the total destruction of the plane would have allowed the fuel to create a massive torch effect, exploding in the same forward motion that the plane had been headed in.

Oops...someone forgot to finish their homework.

Avery goes on to show video footage of a witness who says he saw a small commuter plane; how far away was this witness? Who was he, and why weren't there more? Another witness claims it was a military helicopter--he says he saw a military helicopter disappear behind the wall where the helipad was, and not long after saw a fireball rise into the air. Where's the evidence? He didn't see the helicopter crash. He saw all of this from a distance, and again, was the only person who claims to believe it was a military chopper.

Avery himself happens to believe that it was a cruise missile. He shows pictures of war criminal Slobodan Milosevic's house after being hit by a cruise missile, but while the damage looks similar, the building is much smaller, and the damage is more localized. Once again, Avery is trying to establish truth on two incidents that are only vaguely similar. He also tries to claim that people inside the Pentagon felt a shock wave, and that people in buildings a mile away felt the same shock, and that couldn't have been an airplane, then quotes people who said they heard an explosion.

Well, it's real simple, kiddo...a Boeing 757, big enough to carry nearly 200 people, laden with a type of gasoline that has a high-temp flash point (not to mention the other flammable liquids in the engines), crashes at top speed into a massive building. I'm pretty sure that's gonna create a shock wave and sound a bit like an explosion.

It gets even better! Avery goes on to report that the FBI showed up at a gas station across the street and quickly confiscated videos. I suppose he considers this his smoking gun, especially when he says, "if the government wanted us to know what really happened, all they'd have to do is give us the tapes."
He goes on to point out that the section of the Pentagon that had been hit had recently been renovated to withstand "such an attack." Actually, it had been fitted with blast-proof windows to withstand an Oklahoma City-style bomb, not a plane being flown into it. Then he points out that Donald Rumsfeld "was safe in his office," putting emphasis on the fact that it's "on the other side of the building." The simplicity of this is astounding: the side that was hit was the closest to Hani Hanjour's flight path.

Just because you don't have videos in hand of the plane hitting the Pentagon doesn't mean it didn't happen. The absence of such evidence does not mean that it didn't happen exactly the way it was described by hundreds upon hundreds of witnesses who saw it more up-close and personal than they ever wanted.

I have a great question...if it wasn't American Airlines flight 77, then what happened to that plane and the people on it? Oh, wait, I know--they were abducted by aliens.

I need a break. My tin-foil helmet is starting to chafe.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Here's Some REAL Insults:

Here's a snippet from the latest hate mail I've received from our good buddy "Aztec Al-Qaeda":

"YA'LL less than subhumanoid bottom pit wallowing in excrement outhouse loving double dildo maggot dykes (Maggots are white too Elly Mae!) are my least worries! Damn Butch! You already sound like one of those German SS camp guards of yore! Ooooooo...!"

Ooooo? Did you think that was witty? Or did someone tell you it was? I guess I'm supposed to be hurt, but something's missing (quick...someone cover his left ear, I'll blow in his right ear so he can have a refill). Here's another one:

"In the meantime bitch, why don't YOU go impale yourself atop your nearest City Hall flagpole and pretend your sharing a double Dildo Laura Bush! (Sorry, Vaseline NOT provided!) Ooooooo....! Ouch! Did that hoit Butch?!"

*Shaking my head and giggling at the stupidity* That did not "hoit." In fact, I find it mildly amusing, but if you injected a little more intelligence into it, maybe, just maybe, I'd feel a twinge. Just a little one. I'm guessing a mouth-breather like you needs a schooling in insults, so I'll give you one.

Are you always this retarded, or are you making a special effort right now? I mean, you say you don't know the meaning of the word "fear," but then again, you don't know the meaning of most words. Any similarity between you and a human is purely coincidental; and anyone who told you to "just be yourself" couldn't have given you worse advice.

I've gotta ask...were your parents also siblings? Did they ever ask you to run away from home? Do you ever wonder what life would be like if you'd had enough oxygen at birth? Do you still love nature, despite what it did to you? It's okay, buddy...if ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person alive.

By all means, keep talking. I'm sure someday you'll say something remotely intelligent. And I'm sure someday you'll find yourself, but you'll immediately wish you hadn't. I have to say, though, it really is hard to see the big picture when you have such a tiny screen. Now that I've spoken at length with you, I've decided I'm in favor of abortion in cases of incest.

All of your ancestors must number in the millions--although it's so hard to believe that so many people are to blame for producing you. You're as useless as rooster shit on a pump handle, and you're as welcome here as a rattlesnake at a square dance. But I promise, if you invest in a good wig and learn to control that drooling, nobody will ever know you had a lobotomy.

I'd love to see your point of view. I really would. But I just can't seem to get my head that far up my ass.

(Next time, please don't enter a battle of wits unarmed. Calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people everywhere.)

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Oh, So It's OUR Fault...

Elvira Arellano appeared yesterday before the Mexican congress to speak about her "plight" and the similar "struggle" faced by other illegal invaders. Here is the English translation of her schpiel:

"The United States is the one who broke the law first. By letting people cross over without documents; by letting people pay taxes. For me it has been very hard. But I know I'm not alone."

As she speaks, she is surrounded by Mexican officials. She tears up when she talks about how "hard" it's been, and several nearby men give her a consoling little pat on the shoulder. Does anyone else see the flagrant line of bullshit in this? Her argument is that we are the ones at fault for letting them come! This is absolutely ludicrous!

Lemme tell you illegals out there something (and I know you're reading judging by the hate mail I'm getting on my personal page): I didn't let you do shit. I never allowed you to sneak across my border. If it had been up to me, I'd have been there armed to the teeth with as many people as I could find to meet you and send you right back across the border, where you belong. You are NOT winning any arguments by breaking our laws and blaming it on us. Your argument reeks of a prison inmate mentality, the idea that a criminal is never at fault for the things they do. "He left all that expensive equipment in the car where I could see it! It's his fault for tempting me!" Or how about this one: "the front door was standing open! I didn't think she'd mind if I came in! And when I saw her, her beautiful body was too tempting! If she'd shut her door, I wouldn't have been tempted! It's the victim's fault!"

I've actually heard criminals use these arguments. I have listened to juveniles use this bullshit to explain away their complete lack of self control. And in this day and age, when everyone is so uppity about hurting someone's feelings, there are actually people out there who buy it.

The majority of us, however, don't. We know better. You committed your crimes because you wanted to. You made a conscious choice to break the law. Just because you weren't found immediately does not mean that the government is at fault any more than failing to apprehend a murderer makes a police officer at fault for the next murder.

Try again, El Vampira.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Is it Anarchy...or Compassion?

An interesting question was raised on Bill O'Reilly's program a couple of nights ago in regards to the Elvira Arellano case. It's a question that undoubtedly needs to be asked even though the answer is already apparent. If we allow the illegal immigrants coming here to stay, are we being compassionate or are we promoting anarchy?

Not surprisingly, the vast majority of the people I know don't know the details of Elvira Arellano's case. What some major news outlest are saying is simply that she crossed the border, had her child, and was working when she was ordered to self-deport. That was when she took sanctuary in a storefront church to keep ICE away from her and her son.

There's a lot more to it than that. She was caught in America before 9/11 and summarily deported. After her first deportation, she hiked back across the border yet again, making it to Chicago, where she bought fake ID papers, including a stolen social security number. This was after 9/11. Guess where she was working when they found her the second time? Cleaning airplanes on the tarmac at O'Hare airport! Right now, before you read further, think hard about the implication of this fact. An illegal immigrant using a stolen SSN was found working at an international airport on airplanes as they were about to take on passengers and fly again. If she can do it, what's to stop the real bad guys from doing it?

Moving right along...somewhere in the middle of all of this, she bore a son. Because he was born here, little Saul is a US citizen. What is never taken into account is the fact that his mother was never here legally. After the birth of her son, she was arrested again (while working at the airport in Chicago) and ordered to leave the country. She was not deported, she was not strong-armed, she was given time to get her affairs in order and take her family back to her country of origin, which is Mexico.

Instead of obeying said order, she ran to a local church, which happily put her up. There she became a sort of symbol for the "immigrants without borders" movement. She practically dared ICE to come and arrest her by leaving the church to speak at a rally in Los Angeles. I think she wanted to be arrested, and I think it was staged by the groups she was in collusion with; they wanted some kind of martyr. So now we have shitsticks like Aztec Al-Qaeda saying crap like, "Elvira Arellano will not be forgotten!" You'd think an ICE agent shot the woman.

She knowingly and willfully broke the law. She was ordered to leave and disobeyed that order. She was given due process and she flaunted it. If a drug addict on probation broke into a house, his probation would be revoked and he would serve the remainder of his sentence in prison. She's not even in prison; she's in Mexico. Mark my words, she'll be back across that border in no time.
We cannot simply bend the law this way or that because "that person was just here to work." There is no excuse for deliberately defying the law! If we allow that sort of "compassion" for a few people, the termites will come out of the woodwork and expect the same thing. The law doesn't work that way; give something to one person, and the law requires it be offered to all. If we do that, we're opening the door to complete anarchy. What's good for one must be applied to all.

Compassion can be a fine line. Fail to walk it properly and it will end in disaster. We have plenty of our own true martyrs, innocent people taken from us by illegals who said they were just here to work. As for the common argument--that we have to stop the deportations to stop the tragic splitting of families--that is a ridiculous suggestion. They created their situation. If they don't want to split their families up, they can take their families with them back to Mexico. Funny how I never heard anyone suggest this to Elvira as she was being handcuffed.

Is it sinking in yet?

Death Threats

Still think they're all just here to work?

EF Mohammed is on MySpace, and after I invited him to read my blog, this was his response:

"I had a dream that I had EXTERMINATED WITH EXTREME PREJUDICE ALL the XENOPHOBE RACIST white po piss subhuman incest inbred "race". I my dream YA'LL white cocKKKroaches that were not fumigated or turned into LAMPSHADES, SOAP BARS or fertilizer MULCH were buried alive or dropped off a chopper several miles off shore at sea without a parachute. Satan's white excrement vomit race and Jewboys are like parasitical rabid dog lice! They need to be oven baked! NEED I SAY MORE HEA YA'LL INCEST INBRED CRACKKKERSHITHEAD COCKKKROACHES?!E.F. Mohammed Martinez aka AZTEC Al-QAEDALA RAZA INTIFADA CYBERGUERRILLA RESISTANCE NATIONAL LIBERATION FRONT


"P.S. The ONLY white people that I have ALWAYS supported in their struggle are Northern Ireland's IRA. I met IRA's then Bernadette Devlin some 35 years ago. I have ALWAYS been a strong proIRA adherent. You being a member of an oppressed group (Lesbian), should understand OPPRESSION and DISCRIMINATION! But then again, your inherited privileged whiteness overides ALL other oppressions! That's understandable. I am NOT against ALL white people per se. I am a freedom fighter against ALL XENOPHOBE RACISTS and INJUSTICE! MaKKKe no mistaKKKe! THERE WILL be white racist blood flowing on the streets of ameriKKKa one day and I hope to be there myself cutting their throats!"

Think he's the only fucknut out there who believes this tripe? Think again, folks. He's part of a movement, small but vocal and willing to kill, that actually believes they are being oppressed. But there's so many holes in their droll theories that none of it adds up, and I'm about to knock EF Mohammed off of cloud nine.

First of all, by their logic, we're occupying their land. They think the land was originally Mexican and that Americans, believing in manifest destiny, somehow stole the land from them. Playing by that line of logic, the land was never theirs in the first place. Mexico isn't even theirs. By their own estimation, Mexico belongs to the indigenous people the Spanish conquistadores took it from, and the land they gave up to America after the Spanish-American War belongs to the indians that lived there before their land was taken. Since they ignore this, I refuse to acknowledge any claim they have to American lands.

(That's not to mention the ceding of the land to America after the aforementioned war, which Mexico started to begin with after Texas won its independence--and it was not just "whitey" that fought that battle, either. The Mexican settlers there fought right alongside their American counterparts.)

He calls us xenophobes, racists, and nazis. A xenophobe pretty much is a racist, so he's being a little redundant there, but the thesaurus lists misjudgment, one-sidedness, and injustice as synonyms. What have I misjudged? We've already pointed out that they have no rights to American lands. Since America is a sovereign nation, one governed by laws and rules, the law must be observed and, where necessary, enforced. If it is not we become an anarchist haven ruled by constant chaos. It's not just good people coming across that border! How many times to I have to say it before it sinks in? Criminals are coming across with frightening frequency, and since we don't know who the absconders are, you all need to go the hell home, knock on our front door, and come in the right way. As for injustice, the only injustice here is that I'm being taxed to pay for healthcare, education, and rental assistance I'll never see any use in because none of it is for me or my family. And you could, actually call me one-sided; I will concede that much. I want the law enforced and nothing else will make me happy.

As for Nazis...I touched on that in my last post. The Nazis believed that Austria belonged to Germany and longed to take it by force; eventually they did, and did so violently. It is the same thing EF Mohammed and the La Raza movement is suggesting by threatening to take American land by force. And if this is not an indication of what we're facing, then you folks need a reality check.

There you go, "Aztec Al-Qaeda" (yes, he actually calls himself that). Take a lesson. Don't enter a battle of wits unarmed.

Oh, I almost forgot...your village called, buddy. They miss their idiot.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Crossing The Line

A Mexican extremist, a "reconquisto," wrote a couple of emails to The WatchDog ( that have brazenly--and rather idiotically--crossed the line. In the first message, this was said:

"BEWARE MINUTEMEN! HEED THIS WARNING! I have it by good reliable sources that there are already well placed elements placed in logistic areas throughout the Mexican side of the US Arizona border to protect any and ALL undocumented immigrants from harm crossing the border that might become victimized by ANY and ALL UNAUTHORIZED law enforcement personnel...YOU HAVE JUST DUG YOUR OWN GRAVE! I HOPE TO SEE THE STREETS OF AMERIKKKA RUN RED WITH WHITE XENOPHOBE RACIST MINUTEMEN AND THEIR LIKKKE MINDED WHITE SUPREMACIST NEONAZI TYPES!ANCHOR BABY POWER! CHICANO POWER! ALLAH AKBAR!E.F. Mohammed Martinez aka AL-QAEDA!"

That's only a portion of the Nazi bullshit spewed by this hatemongering fool. I just love how this piece of trash calls me a Nazi when in further rants he sends to WatchDog and GuardDog he goes on to threaten the very same things Adolf Hitler actually did. Their reasons are the same. They want more land. They believe America originally belonged to them, so they want to take it by force.

Your biggest mistake, EF Mohammed, was announcing yourself.

This absolute ignoramus went on to post a "prose" he called "I am the one you love to hate." I wish I could post it, but WatchDog took it down; I can only imagine he's turning it over to the authorities. The gist of it was "I'm the one you love to hate because I'm doing jobs you're too lazy to do...because I have better morals than you...because your money is giving me power...because I'm taking over your country," blah, blah, blah. He seems bent on the "racist xenophobe" here's MY response, dumbass.

I am the one you love to hate because I've made my country a better place than you're willing to make yours--a job you're too lazy to do.

I am the one you love to hate because I'm smarter, more educated, and the only job you can get is the menial shit that addlepated twits like you are barely qualified for.

I am the one you love to hate because there's a hell of a lot more of me than there are of you.

I am the one you love to hate because I have what you only dream of: a future.

I am the one you love to hate because I speak English, and it's far easier for me to survive in America.

I am the one you love to hate because I am a law-abiding citizen of America, and as such I have the right to vote, assemble, go where I wish, say what I please--and I have the right to own and carry a firearm.

I am the one you love to hate because I'm honest, hard-working, trustworthy and loyal, as compared to you, you backstabbing, lying, stealing piece of shit.

I am the one you love to hate because I have a backbone and I'm not afraid to use it, as opposed to the school of jellyfish that runs where your spine should be.

I am the one you love to hate because I am dignified and honorable, willing to fight to the death to protect my freedom, whereas you just take what you can and run when the odds go bad.

I am the one you love to hate because my balls are bigger than yours, and if you ever bring this fight to my doorstep, I will bitch-slap your race-baiting brown ass all the way back to Mexico City--and you know I'm not kidding, you imbecilic, brainless, puerile, half-baked gutless curr.

I don't like violence. I'd rather not fight if I can help it. But when you threaten me, you cross the line. I almost dare you to start that shit. You think we're mad NOW? Throw down with America and see what happens.

By the're the decendants of Spanish conquistadores, who swept into Mesoamerica and wiped out the Aztecs, Mayans and Olmec. You wanna talk about America originally being Mexican? By your logic, Mexico isn't even Mexican. Texas didn't want to be a part of Mexico, and your ancestors started slaughtering them until the good guys stepped in and kicked your asses back across the Rio Grande. We played your game and won. So shut the hell up.

Everyone Has A CHOICE

Choice is the key word to everything in America. Pro-abortionists call themselves "pro-choice." They make a big to-do about choice, and 99.9% of them are liberal--and support illegal immigrants and their "rights." Late last week, Elvira Arellano, the illegal alien from Mexico who's been holed up in a church in Chicago to avoid deportation, very publicly left the church that protected her from federal immigration officers to join a protest in LA to support the supposed rights of illegal aliens in the United States.

Today, hallelujah, I have received news that she has been deported. And, as expected, the anti-sovereignty activists are screaming bloody murder.

If choice is such a big deal in this world, then why is a bad choice not considered when a crime has been committed? Is a bad choice not to be subject to consequences anymore? Are we not to punish crimes (read: bad choices)?

The howling everyone is doing now is over the separation of Arellano from her 8-year-old US born son. Here's my beef: her son was born in the United States after she illegally crossed the border so that her child would technically be an American. He's an anchor baby. This happens all the time. What nobody seems to realize is that it was a crime that made this kid a US citizen in the first place, and it was Elvira Arellano's choice to commit that crime. She made that choice--the choice to cross the border illegally, go to an American hospital and stick law-abiding American taxpayers with the bill--and she needs to live with it, whether she thought about the consequences beforehand or not. It was her choice to create this situation.

I have no sympathy for her. And if the women having anchor babies here don't like their families being split up, then they should just stay home so the can avoid the issue. As for us--I say we update the law to require that the birth mother be a legal resident for her child to become a US citizen.

Saturday, August 18, 2007


Today, here in the Phoenix area, deputies from the Maricopa County Sheriff's Office were called to a neighborhood in the far West end of the valley--the Surprise/El Mirage area. Apparently a Hispanic man was caught trying to break into a few vehicles in the area. When deputies arrived and questioned the man, he reported that he was trying to get away from a house in the neighborhood. Why?

The house had a dead body in it.

Most people in America don't just try to get away from a house with a dead body in it; unless you're a criminal here, your first instinct is to call the police and report what you've seen. Naturally, the deputies wanted to know what was going on; since the man had no papers and was suspected of human smuggling, he was arrested and the deputies went to check the house in question.

Sure enough, they found a dead body. The body was of a Hispanic male, age unknown, that had been beaten and shot. Hiding in a closet, two unclothed women cowered. It was a drop house. In the middle of one of the nicer areas of my area, yet another drop house has been discovered. This isn't the first time this has happened.

But gets better! While investigators were still gagging on the smell in the house, deputies were called to Dysart High School for trespassers. There they spotted three Hispanic people wandering aimlessly about the campus. One was caught but two others escaped on foot.

I'd like to know just how many people aren't downright chilled by this. We know they were illegal aliens, we know they had no idea where they were, and we know they were being kept in a drop house in an affluent neighborhood. One wandered out to steal a car and three others wandered onto a school campus while students were there. As has been established many times over, we don't know who all these people are--and far too many of them are criminals. Does it not absolutely shock everyone that a group of illegals simply walked onto a school campus in the middle of the day? What if they'd been armed? What if they'd been looking for trouble? How do we know they weren't since they were caught before anything could really happen?

We'll never know what the cops may have prevented today. But think about it this way: when thousands of people are killed in one fell swoop, everyone takes notice. However, when thousands are killed over a long period of time, people get bored and stop caring. We're being worn down, and we have to put a stop to it before any more innocent lives are lost.

Friday, August 17, 2007

This is MY Country!

Not long ago, 46-year-old Nanuma Lavulavu, the matriarch of a Tongan family, was killed in an accident deliberately caused by a drunk driver.

The driver was 26-year-old Guadalupe Perez-Bojorquez. Just before 7 p.m. on Tuesday, 19 June, MCSO deputy Rob Kinnet was driving in his unmarked Ford Expedition heading East on Durango Street (from 27th ave) when he spotted the driver of a silver Ford Taurus throwing a Bud Light bottle out his window. As he called his dispatchers he counted eight bottles total going out the window. At some point, Bojorquez threw his car into reverse and stood on the gas, ramming Kinnet’s SUV. Kinnet, still on the phone with dispatchers, turned around and headed back to his substation.

He quickly noticed the Taurus screaming up on his tailpipe like a bat out of hell. Bojorquez pulled up alongside officer Kinnet and rammed him again. He purposely broadsided Kinnet several times until he finally threw him into oncoming Eastbound traffic.

Directly in front of Nanuma Lavulavu.

After the wreck, Phoenix police found him hiding nearby. Kinnet, though injured himself, had attempted to render aid to Mrs. Lavulavu; her leg had been severed in the crash. Bojorquez blew a 0.16—twice the legal limit—and when police searched his vehicle they found cocaine. He was combative but eventually offered an excuse: he suspected that Kinnet was a cop. He didn’t want to get caught. So he used techniques he’d seen on TV to try to kill Kinnet. In the process he injured a police officer and killed an innocent driver.

Here’s the kicker—Bojorquez is not only illegal, but he’s been sent back to Mexico five times…once in 1997, twice in 1998, once in 2001, and once in 2002. In each case, he was arrested for DUI or some other offense. The 2001 arrest was for assaulting a police officer, a very serious felony. But instead of prosecuting him, feds gave him the option of “voluntary departure.”

In plain English, that means Bojorquez was given no jail time and was never held accountable for what he’d done. They just sent him home, not caring whether he’d come back and, in fact, knowing that he probably would. At the jail I worked in, inmates being deported would smile at us on their way out and say, “see you next year!” Bojorquez was one of these people.

Mehei Lavulavu, Nanuma’s daughter-in-law, expressed the family’s rage over their loss. Who can blame them? But whom, exactly, should bear the guilt? The main criminal in this case is Bojorquez, who knowingly and deliberately flaunted the laws of this country by continuing to come back and commit more crimes.

But what about the immigration officials? Instead of allowing him to be prosecuted, they simply let him go. By refusing to enforce the law, they gave him license to keep coming and breaking the law. They practically encouraged him to do what he did, because they proved that the law no longer rules in America.

ICE spokesman Vinnie Picard said, “Even with an order to deport, there’s no magic necklace that goes on them that would prevent them from coming back across the border. When you’re looking at hundreds of thousands of people, there’s just no feasible way to imprison that many people for felony violations, or misdemeanor violations, for that matter.” Okay…so we should just give up, I suppose.

That is no excuse for the thousands of Americans killed by illegals. That does not assuage the grief of the families of the innocent victims who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and never had a chance. By that mentality, we should just stop enforcing the law altogether and live in a state of total anarchy; there’s hundreds of thousands of criminals out there. How do we imprison them all? Why even bother?

This is America, goddammit, and it’s MY country. Enforce the law. Seal the borders. Send the illegals home. Stop giving criminals so many chances and give them the punishment they deserve. Then, and only then, will the pendulum swing the other way.

Oh…the Lavulavu family is a family of immigrants. But they came here legally.

Problem? What Problem?

I've just read a news story that is making my blood boil. The Census Bureau, more concerned with an accurate count than the security of Americans, has asked that raids conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement be halted during the 2010 count.

You know what I want? I want this to be a non-issue by 2010. There's no excuse for this to be an issue now, but our leaders simply don't have the gumption to act despite continued demands from those of us who voted for them to act now and quit procrastinating. By 2010, we should have not only come up with a sweeping plan that will solve our not-so-little problem--we should be able to say by then that illegal immigration isn't a problem anymore. The fact that we're looking that far into the future and not anticipating a solution is absolutely ludicrous.

What other nation on this planet allows people to sneak in, steal education, healthcare, housing assistance and legal aid, commit crimes, and thank them for "taking the jobs nobody else wants?" Which government do we see offering amnesty to the foreigners who flaunt their laws because they're such hard workers? If I were caught sneaking across the Mexican border for so much as a bottle of tequila, I'd be arrested and thrown in a Mexican jail--where I'd be locked in an overcrowded, filthy cell with no bed, no plumbing, and my family would have to feed and clothe me, while anything sent would be picked through by the Mexican jailers. You wouldn't hear about it in the news, either. Americans don't want to hear about how bad the other guys are; our mainstream media wants to talk about how bad we are. God knows we'd shrivel up and die without our daily dose of self-loathing drama.

In the last few days, more innocent Americans have become victims to the wave of these "guest workers" that are demanding we step aside for them. Alejandro Xuya-Sian, an illegal from Mexico, was so drunk he didn't realize he'd hit a man and was dragging him until he got a mile down the road; he casually stopped, dislodged his victim from the wheel well of his SUV, and continued his trek until he wrapped his SUV around a tree two miles later. And in Houston, Juan Felix Salinas--who was out of custody on bail for a serious assault on one of his relatives--got drunk and got behind the wheel. He plowed his truck into a car carrying a family of three; the car caught fire and while bystanders desperately tried to save the innocent victims, all three died there. This is all since MONDAY. Yeah...they're all here to work. Stop the raids, stop the deportations, stop enforcing the law and recognizing the sovereignty of America because they're all just good people trying to make a living.

The Census Bureau's request is born of a belief that the police departments in sanctuary cities such as LA, Houston and Boston all share: the idea that enforcing immigration law makes illegals afraid to come forward when a crime is committed. This is a ridiculous reason to actively protect illegal invaders. If this is your belief, you might as well take it a step farther and argue that putting criminals in jail discourages them from telling the truth. When you begin to make such baseless arguments to protect anyone who commits a crime (yes, I count illegal entry as a crime), you open the door to all who commit crimes to argue the same things and win in court. The law must prevail. Otherwise we are a nation without identity and the American dream will eventually die.

To those running law enforcement agencies in sanctuary folks are fond of defending your position because of how much harder your job would be if the illegals felt "afraid" to come forward. I have only one response to this utterly stupid idea:

If we'd shut down our borders and send the illegals back to wherever they came from (and put the bad guys in jail NOW), we wouldn't have this problem.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Justice as a Turkey Shoot

Some of the things I saw as a corrections officer were unbelievable. I saw things so physically revolting that I can't post them here. I saw manipulations that would make most educated adults (and even some kids) cock their heads to the side and go, "who the hell believed that?" I saw inmates do things that no law-abiding citizen would believe. But what floors me the most is what inmates get away with in the courtroom--and the judges that allow it.

William Craig Miller started his criminal career as a business owner. He owned a company that cleaned up houses that had been badly damaged by fire. He also owned a very expensive Snottsdale (better known as Scottsdale) house; when times got tough and he wanted the insurance money, Miller decided to burn the house down. He enlisted Steven Duffy, one of his closest business associates, to help; when Duffy felt a pang of guilt and decided to help the police in the investigation of the arson, Miller went after him. On 21 February 2006, Miller murdered Steven Duffy, along with his brother Shane, girlfriend Tammy Lovell, and Tammy's children, Jacob (10 yrs) and Cassandra (15 yrs).

The police made short work of the investigation. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who did it. One night not long after the murders, with a manhunt going, Miller went to a high-end Scottsdale steakhouse with his girlfriend. While there, he openly bragged, asking the waitress, "don't you know who I am? Haven't you seen me on TV?" Someone in the restaurant did recognize him and called police. Miller was arrested in the parking lot as he left (you gotta hope that meal was worth it).

More recently, Miller fired his defense attorney and claimed that he "just wanted to accept [his] fate." But just two weeks after announcing that he intended to plead guilty, he suddenly had a change of heart; Miller told judge Margaret Mahoney that he wanted to appoint counsel. This announcement drove the bleeding-heart liberal Mahoney to grant his request and refuse to allow him to plead guilty. (Mahoney is the same judge who allowed bail for Manuel Sanchez, the alien invader who killed 16-year-old April Jacobson while driving drunk, his 2nd DUI offense; for those who don't know the backstory, Sanchez ran back to Mexico then came back and married an American citizen to get his green card, dumped the wife, then got caught yet again driving drunk and it was none other than judge Margaret Mahoney who gave him bail so he could tuck tail and run yet again so as not to face the vehicular manslaughter charges dating back to 1999.)

Backstory aside...I'd really like to know why it is actually required that some people NOT be allowed to plead guilty. From what I've studied, the law was written in an attempt to stop the mentally challenged from pleading guilty to crimes they did not commit. However, more often than not, I see judges applying this rule quite liberally whenever they're afraid of a case being overturned on appeal. Do loopholes only work for the bad guys? How many people do you really think you're saving by telling someone, "you can't plead guilty, I am required to provide you with these civil rights..." while the surviving victims of the criminal you're speaking to are hoping and praying for justice? Unless he is deemed legally mentally incompetant, let the bastart plead guilty. Just like with Bryan Wayne Hulsey (the murderer of officer Tony Holly), there's always someone willing to bawl about a criminal's "civil rights" ad nauseam. But when the surviving victims need an advocate, there's rarely one to be had.

Justice is little more than a turkey shoot anymore. There's so many moonbats out there willing to fight for the bad guy that the bad guy doesn't have anything to worry about. The rest of us, however, do, and that is a frightening proposition.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

...And You BELIEVE This Crap? Sheriff Joe Arpaio set up a hotline for people to report the activities of illegal immigrants and the coyotes that bring them here. And there are a lot of people, like me, that love it (even among those who don't like Sheriff Joke). But there are, as expected, a slew of people who absolutely hate it and are fighting it in every arena they can--email, mainstream media, telemarketing, you name it. In fact, an email originating from the office of Elias Bermudez, the head of an organization called Immigrants Without Borders (gag me with a sharp instrument), had a certain picture attached to it.

What I'd like to know is this: how many of you will look at this picture and believe that it's ANYTHING but a fake? You can see it above.

What cracks me up is that the Arizona Repugnant (er...ah...I meant to say Arizona Republic) actually had to announce that it was doctored! What does that tell us, boys and girls? There were people out there who believed it was REAL!

Oh, IQ is dropping with every second I waste reading this drivel.

What's more is that Elias Bermudez went on to publicly "apologize," saying, "I hope he understands someone is playing a bad joke...but he also needs to know that whoever put it together is expressing the feelings of the Hispanic community. We really fear Joe Arpaio."

In a word?


America is America--not Mexico, not Germany, England, Ireland, or any other country. We are AMERICA. We come from all different backgrounds, faiths, cultures and countries to form something unique, a place where people are free to speak as they wish, believe freely, assemble peacefully, defend themselves, and prosper (as long as said activities do not infringe upon the same rights of another person). Arizona is not and WILL NOT ever be "Aztlan." It is a part of America--the land of the free and the home of the brave. If we don't stand up and say NO now, right now, to those who wish to make America into something she was never meant to be, we'll lose the American dream forever.

And yes, that means stopping unfettered immigration and giving all criminals--whether they're here legally or illegally--their due, including the death penalty.

Shouting From The Rooftops

So, I've scrapped the old blog and have a new one. The purpose of this blog will basically be to mirror my MySpace blog site ( so that those who are not on MySpace don't have to create an account to make comments. Since I've been getting hundreds of hits there lately and few comments--most of them from brand-new accounts--I'll just put all the same stuff here so that not everyone has to be there to say what they like.

Anyone is allowed to comment; I have no qualms about anything. I will respond to comments from time to time, but know this: if you say something uneducated, I will get sassy. I'm a Texan. It's in my nature. I welcome all rational and civil debate, whether conservative, liberal, or middle-of-the-road. You have, however, been forewarned. I'm not the nicest person in the world when someone challenges my intelligence with something that is unfounded and/or too emotional to be rational.

Let the fun begin!